Danmarks træer og buske. En opdateret og rigt illustreret håndbog om skovens og det åbne lands træer og buske.
FORVENTET LEVERING AUG! - NY VERSION 2022 - Byggeriets Materialepyramide - udregnet i kg. For optimalt udbytte anbefales det at kombinere denne materialepyramide med Byggeriets materialepyramide 2022- udregnet i M3. Byggeriets materialepyramider peger på hvilke materialer, vi primært bør bygge af og hvilke vi kun bør anvende i små mængder.
Byggeriets Materialepyramide - udregnet i kubikmeter. For optimalt udbytte anbefales det at kombinere denne materialepyramide med Byggeriets materialepyramide 2022- udregnet i KG.
Architectural Colour Design - Le Corbusier. Including colour keyboards and slider. With 63 colors from 9 color groups, Le Corbusier’s Architectural Polychromy offers a unique tool for skillful and convincing color concepts. GERMAN DESIGN AWARD SPECIAL 2022
AirBird - Danish Design Award Finalist 2021, Categori Healthy Life. The AirBird® can quickly detect poor indoor air quality with its clever chirp algorithm and helps you take necessary action. It measures CO2, Temperature and Humidity every few minutes to look for patterns. It can give feedback via gentle bird sounds or via soft glow.
AirBird Connect - Danish Design Award Finalist 2021, Categori Healthy Life. The AirBird® can quickly detect poor indoor air quality with its clever chirp algorithm and helps you take necessary action. It measures CO2, Temperature and Humidity every few minutes to look for patterns. It can give feedback via gentle bird sounds or via soft glow.
AirBird - Danish Design Award Finalist 2021, Categori Healthy Life. The AirBird® can quickly detect poor indoor air quality with its clever chirp algorithm and helps you take necessary action. It measures CO2, Temperature and Humidity every few minutes to look for patterns. It can give feedback via gentle bird sounds or via soft glow.
AirBird - Danish Design Award Finalist 2021, Categori Healthy Life. The AirBird® can quickly detect poor indoor air quality with its clever chirp algorithm and helps you take necessary action. It measures CO2, Temperature and Humidity every few minutes to look for patterns. It can give feedback via gentle bird sounds or via soft glow.
AirBird - Danish Design Award Finalist 2021, Categori Healthy Life. The AirBird® can quickly detect poor indoor air quality with its clever chirp algorithm and helps you take necessary action. It measures CO2, Temperature and Humidity every few minutes to look for patterns. It can give feedback via gentle bird sounds or via soft glow.