Wellfare Architecture for All - C.F. Møller Architects - How can architecture enable better socialising, living, working, learning and healing? This book will aim to answer those questions.
Form til velfærd (Forming Welfare) How can architecture, space, planning and design add to our present welfare? And which new problems and potentials arise if we try to solve future welfare challenges with form? Danish language edition.
Forming Welfare) How can architecture, space, planning and design add to our present welfare? And which new problems and potentials arise if we try to solve future welfare challenges with form?
Monograph about the Danish architect Svenn Eske Kristensen (1905-2000). Richly illustrated with drawings and photographs.
Summer online offer - About the Danish architect Hans Dahlerup Berthelsen (1881-1939). Richly illustrated.
Architecture and the Welfare State, is the first book to explore the architecture of the welfare state in Western Europe from an international perspective.
Homes - Ensembles - City Housing and Welfare in Copenhagen. The book shows 36 building projects of the near future after a thoroughly introduction by the author on the three scale-modules of the dwelling. Danish-English language.
Dansk arkitektur i 1960'erne var fyldt med drømme, ambitioner, kreativitet, nytænkning og mangfoldighed. Velfærdssamfundet var under opbygning, og arkitekturen hjalp til. Der blev bygget storcentre, biblioteker, universiteter, hospitaler og meget mere. Store og små boligbebyggelser skød op over hele landet. Rigt illustreret.
Suburbs of the future - lessons learned. Twenty-nine proposals from teams in competitions in six different types of suburbs have generated a wide range of bids on how the suburbs can be redeveloped in a more sustainable way.
How can we create a rich, humanist architecture that is built on a profound respect for local as well as global resources? Good Buildings on a Small Planet presents eight different answers that are framed by thoughts, ideas and new architecture.
Danish Architecture and Society - From Monarchy to the Wellfare State. Provides a broad overview of Danish public architecture that transcends formal tendencies or styles and includes a wide variety of architects.Richly illustrated. More than 200 drawings and photos.