Udkommer 27/6 - Shigeru Ban. Complete Works 1985–Today XXL. From Paper Tube Emergency Shelters and his Nomadic Museum built with containers to the Swatch/Omega Campus and the Centre Pompidou-Metz, discover the altruistic practice of the Pritzker Prize–winning architect Shigeru Ban, who is lauded for his “curiosity, commitment, endless innovation,...
Kintobe - Nico - Chrome Grey. NICO is a compact mini-messenger bag ready to carry your essentials in a cool and comfortable way. It has space for your wallet, phone, keys, headphones, sunglasses, and much more. Fits iPad mini. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st
Hokusai Katsushika Postcards. 32 postcards taken from Hokusai’s famous series ‘Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji’. These stunning postcards are a delight to the sender and receiver.
The Sustainable City. This book celebrates the urban architecture that helps Londoners to live, work, play and share resources in a way that benefits not just the city, but our entire planet.
Interventions and Adaptive Reuse - A Decade of Responsible Practice. Building in existing fabric
Forming Welfare) How can architecture, space, planning and design add to our present welfare? And which new problems and potentials arise if we try to solve future welfare challenges with form?
Between Silence and Light. Updated with a new preface, this classic work is a major statement on human creativity, showing us Louis Kahn as architect, visionary, and poet.
Klein - Arkitekten Vilhelm Kleins skrifter og historicismen i Danmark. En historisk udgivelse af arkitekt og professor Vilhelm Kleins (1835-1913) tre ikke tidligere udgivne manuskripter: Architektportraiter, Blade af Vølvets Historie og To Tidsaldre. Et portræt af 1800-tallets danske arkitekter