Danish Family Homes / ParcelhusPortrætter. Based on 12 visits and interviews with owners of family homes built in the 1960s and 1970s. Richly illustrated with photos and floor plans.
Summer offer! Drømmen om eget hus - Statslånshuse 1933-1959. Sætter fokus på den såkaldte Statslånsordning, der herhjemme fungerede fra 1933- 1959. Den gav grobund for et boom af gode huse med arkitektonisk kvalitet og med ordningen blev det muligt for de fleste ikke blot at bygge eller købe eget hus, men at få eget arkitekttegnet hus.
ntrotilbud! THURAH - monografi om arkitekten og hofbygmesteren Laurids de Thurah (1706-1759). Skaberen af værker som Frelser Kirkes tårn, Det kgl. Palæ i Roskilde, Eremitageslottet og Gammel Holtegaard.
Architecture Competitions Yearbook 2023. With this publication you can instantly improve your design game. The Yearbook is a great resource for architects and students, as it not only compiles incredible projects, but also details the project's development.
Kintobe - Tippi - Latte. TIPPI 2-way backpack is a sleek, water-repellent convertible bag that can be used as a tote bag as well as a backpack.
Kintobe - Tippi - Black. TIPPI 2-way backpack is a sleek, water-repellent convertible bag that can be used as a tote bag as well as a backpack.
Kintobe - Tippi - Chrome Grey. TIPPI 2-way backpack is a sleek, water-repellent convertible bag that can be used as a tote bag as well as a backpack. 100% recycled materials. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Raawii Strøm Lille Vase - Electric Blue
Dansk arkitektur - Konkurrencer 1907-1968 og Dansk arkitektur - Konkurrencer 1969-2015 - SAMPAK SÆRPRIS
Kintobe - Roy - Black. ROY roll-top is a sleek, water-repellent backpack that has room for a long day on the go.
Kintobe - Passion - Powerful Black. PASSION oversized tote bag functions as an everyday office bag as well as a compact weekender. It features a dedicated computer pocket, inside nets and zipper pocket as well as two spacious front pockets.