The topic of the book is the unfolding of the creative process in architectural media
The book is concerned with the double nature of architectural drawing as both an artefact in itself and an instruction
Come Together - Fællesskaber i Danmark. This title is only available in a Danish language editin.
Positioner i ny dansk arkitektur - Nykredit Fonds Arkitekturpriser 2007-2019. En præsentation af de seneste 13 års prismodtagere og et unikt, opdateret portræt af den allernyeste arkitekturer, som den former sig netop nu. En række af landets bedste og mest interessante arkitekter bliver præsenteret i ord og billeder. BIG, COBE, SLA og Dorte Mandrup m.fl.
The Wellfare City in Transition - A Compilation of Texts and Images 1923-2020. Through a compilation of texts and images from different voices and decades the book presents key challenges and perspectives of the past, present and future of the Danish welfare city. It provides a critical map for reflection and action when tackling the urban issues of our...
Udkommer den 9. juni - Udelukket og indelukket - Arkitekten Karen Zahle. Monografi om arkitekten Karen Zahle.
architecture · relations presents new realized projects from architectural offices in Switzerland, England and Denmark.
Arkitekturens ethos af filosof Arno Victor Nielsen. Arkitekturen skal opfylde behov - også dem vi ikke vidste vi havde. Arkitekturen ethos er derfor at gøre os mennesker fri. Bogen er filosoffens bud herpå - og målet er intet mindre end et filosofikum for arkitekter.
Doughnut for Urban Developmen - A Manual is a a practical tool created by leading experts in climate science, impact assessment, ecology, and building design. It encompasses 96 impact areas and presents a holistic approach within planetary boundaries, covering chapters on urban development, social foundation, ecological ceiling, planetary boundaries, and...
Hemmelige steder - Arkitektens Guide til særlige bygningsværker i det midtjyske
The Nordic and Spain - Architectural Journeys