Finn Juhl (1912-1989) is known and loved in Denmark and around the world for his sophisticated and sculptural furniture – but few people are familiar with his masterly watercolours
Anders Gammelgaard - Architecture - Sculpture - Works 1989 -. Anders Gammelgaard Nielsen is an architect and sculptor for whom both craftsmanship and academia have gone hand in hand for many years - he balances between architectural and artistic method and openness.
About Hack Kampmann (1856–1920) a Danish architect and professor of architecture at the architecture department of the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts in Copenhagen and one of the most influential architects in Danish architectural history
Steen Høyer Landskabskunst / The Arts of Landscape. For 30 years Steen Høyer has observed and scrutinized the relationship between society, comprehension, space and materials through unconventional and beautiful installations, sketches, models, architectural projects, writings and teaching materials
Landskabskunst 2. This book is only available in a Danish language edition.
About the Danish architect and urban planner Peter Bredsdorff (1913-1981) Peter Bredsdorff is especially known for his Finger Plan - an urban plan from 1947 which provides a strategy for the development of theCopenhagen metropolitan area, Denmark
P.V. Jensen-Klint - The Headstrong Master Builder
The Danish architect P.V. Jensen-Klint - the Headstrong Master Builder. As an architect, pioneer, innovator, and avid critic, P.V.Jensen-Klint (1853-1930) proved of major significance for the evolution of Danish architecture and design. Danish language edition.
Monograph about the Danish architect and designer Nils Fagerholt (b. 1933). Danish language edition. Richly illustrated with drawings and photographs.