Archimedes puslespil - måske det ældste kendte matematiske puslespil, udviklet af den berømte græske matematiker Arhimedes for omkring 2200 år siden. Det kan samles i en firkantet form på 536 unikke måder.
MD Pencase Kurashiki canvas. A freestanding pencase with a gusset. This cleanly designed pencase fits neatly on your desk or in your bag, holding your favorite writing instruments from pencils to fountain pens. Designed to hold plenty of items. You can put in 20 writing instruments - fountain, pens, pencils, colored pencils - and still have room for items...
Arkitektpenalhus Richter. Håndlavet penalhus i skind med plads til en fyldepen og op til 2 andre skriveredskaber (med en længde op til 14 cm). Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34, Kbh
Architect leather pencil case Kafka. This product is entirely handcrafted. The case offers space for up to 6 utensils.
Architect roll-up pencil case Kästner. Handmade in leather. For 3 pencils ∙ 1 leather compartment for 1 ruler with a maximum length of 17 cm ∙ leather covers at the side ∙ individually sewn to protect the tips ∙ can be closed with 2 leather straps ∙ leather lining
Chalk Copenhagen in a black box especially made for shipment.
Håndlavede pastelkridt 10 stk. - Chalk Copenhagen i mahogni trææske med låg. Kan ikke fremsendes, men skal afhentes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
The Modern Architecture Game. Test your knowledge of leading architects, their famous buildings and their legendary quotes through this fun and educational game. A fun and informative way for architecture buffs to test and increase their knowledge of the built world.
Træ - Vandkunsten Arkitekte. Indeholder aktuelle projekter og essays fra Tegnestuen Vandkunsten, Danmarks førende træbyggere. Bogen er opdelt i temaer omkring fleksible og hybride byggeprincipper, regional arkitektur, præfabrikerede moduler og bokse, og massivtræ. Also available in English language edition.
OLA 3 D Unified Collection Ring I. OLA is a distinctive jewelry label that blends elements of modern and minimalist design. The jewelry is produced by the most advanced 3D printing technologies, allowing unexpected shapes and the use of innovative materials.