Heterogeneous constructions - Studies in Mixed Material Architecture. Sustainable, circular, up-to-date
The Art of Japanese Woodblock Printing. A beautiful set of 100 Japanese woodblock postcards. Packaged in a beautifully illustrated box, this set of 100 postcards showcases the timeless beauty of Japanese woodblock art.
Udkommer den 10. februar! Værelser til tilværelser - fra, om og med Bygningskunstens Helhedsdannelser
Vi har aldrig været moderne - Bruno Latour With the rise of science, we moderns believe, the world changed irrevocably, separating us forever from our primitive, premodern ancestors. But if we were to let go of this fond conviction, Bruno Latour asks, what would the world look like? His book, an anthropology of science, shows us how much of modernity is...
Symmetri - Gentagelsens attraktion i arkitektur og design. Den første bog om emnet!
Interventions and Adaptive Reuse - A Decade of Responsible Practice. Building in existing fabric