50 Urban Blocks. This set of cards contains 50 examples of how to design an urban block. Each card proposes a possible urban form along with measurements and density data, including floor plans, sun exposure, coverage, and both the built and occupied floor area per storey.
Teakwood Christmas Tree designed by Nikolaj Klitgaard. Available in two sized. All crafted in teak wood.
Fredensborg - Slot og Slotshave. Om Fredensborgs historie fra opførelsen af Fredensborg i 1720’erne som sommerslot for Frederik 4. til i dag. Vi får historien om slottets og slotshavens udvikling og udbygning under en række af Danmarks fineste arkitekter, bl.a. Johan Cornelius Krieger, Laurids de Thurah, Nicolai Eigtved, C.F. Harsdorff og ikke mindst...
Alev Small Cup Misty Grey 2 stk - Alev Siesbye. Ny organisk og stringent keramikserie ”Alev” skabt af den prisbelønnede kunsthåndværker Alev Siesbye
Capless is exceptional – its barrel contains a mechanism of rare precision which allows the nib to retract into the barrel when not in use. The perfect combination of luxury and technology.
Small, neat and handy the LAMY pico pocket pen shows under pressure what it is made of: An innovative writing instrument which is so cool that it puts every conventional ballpoint pen in the shade.
The Wooden Galaxy is available in solid oak or black painted hardwood.This beautiful accessory is made of two hand-turned wooden bowls that forms an Asian / Japanese inspired sphere. Use the Wooden Galaxy as a decorative storage container or choose to use the lid as a separate bowl.
The Garden of Eden. Wander through an assortment of innovative gardens, from rooftop plots to lush countryside backyards.
Archidoodle - An Architect's Activity Book. Aimed at at anyone who loves drawing buildings, it encourages the users to imagine their own creative solutions by sketching, drawing and painting in the pages of the book. Includes numerous examples of works and ideas by major architects to draw inspiration from and will appeal to everyone from children to...