Hvad tænker arkitekten på? What do architects think about theconditions facing architecture in Denmark right now? And what do they believe in? Danish language edit
Gottlieb Bindesbøll. Monography about the architect M.G.Bindesbøll (1800-1856) - Danish language edition.
Farver i funktionalismen fortæller om en næsten upåagtet side af dansk funktionalistisk arkitektur, farverne på vægge, lofter, facader, vinduer m.m
Danske Kunstnertapeter 1930-1965 kan læses som et oversigtsværk over udviklingen i danske kunstnertapeter, men er også en fascinerende fortælling om rumkunst i den modernistiske periode.
Contours & Horizons - Reiulf Ramstad Architects. A long-awaited second monograph continues to explore his bold, yet plain architecture, anchored in a Scandinavian context.
Per Kirkeby / Arkitektur. Bogen giver indblik i Per Kirkebys samlede arkitekturproduktion og viser samtidig, at arkitekturen ikke var et appendiks til Per Kirkebys billedkunst, men en central del af hans tænkning og arbejde som kunstner. Rigt illustreret med tegninger og fotografier.
Per Kirkeby / Architecture. Per Kirkeby had a life-long passion for architecture that manifested itself in his writing, visual art, and sculptures and culminated in a number of buildings erected in the latter part of his career. The book includes numerous conversations between Thomas Bo Jensen and Per Kirkeby. Richly illustrated.
International Architecture - Bauhausbücher volume 1 - editor Walter Gropius. This very first English translation of Bauhausbücher volume 1 presents Gropius’s vision of placing the architectural achievements of the Bauhaus in an international context. The book vividly documents and captures the Bauhaus philosophy of reform. Richly illustrated.
Klein - Arkitekten Vilhelm Kleins skrifter og historicismen i Danmark. En historisk udgivelse af arkitekt og professor Vilhelm Kleins (1835-1913) tre ikke tidligere udgivne manuskripter: Architektportraiter, Blade af Vølvets Historie og To Tidsaldre. Et portræt af 1800-tallets danske arkitekter
COBE - Our Urban Living Room - Learning from Copenhagen. 3rd revised edition of the bestseller book: COBE - Our Urban Living Room. The book is a careful examination of Copenhagen and the lives it contains.
Make Sense: Architecture by White. About White Arkitekter, Scandinavia's leading interdisciplinary architecture practice