EPUB  There are 18 products.

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DKK 150

The Urban Health Culture of the Future


Inspirerende renoveringer - Når fortiden former fremtiden. Indeholder 13 eksempler på inspirerende renoveringer af henholdsvis vores produktionsbygninger på landet, industrisamfundets bygninger og bygninger fra nyere tid inkl. interviews med seks forskellige eksperter og fagligheder med perspektiv på tendenser, vigtige erkendelser og nybrud inden for...


Plant a Seed - Designing with Wood and Bio-based Materials. Henning Larsen architects share their insights on designing with wood and bio-based materials for significantly reduced carbon. Incl. a collection of projects, showcasing the versatility of wood, a deep dive into the myths that exist around wood, and finally, an entire catalog of different types...


A Guide to Danish Architecture - Towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals. FREE EPUB. Can we build our way to a better world? A presentation of presents 60 recent Danish architectural projects that, in each their own way, contribute to building stronger communities, improving the quality of life, and creating a more sustainable future for all. Richly...


Unboxing Carbon - The Catalog - Exterior - Henning Larsen. GRATIS EPUB. This graphic collection of architectural materials presents complex data from Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in a visually accessible way, and in a unit that is readily understandable for architects: by square meter.


De forhåndenværende søm - Når nye tegnestuer bevarer og transformerer bygninger og nærmiljøer - 20 eksempler

Showing 13 - 18 of 18 items