Offentlighedens rum. Hvad får man hvis man spørger 28 nordiske kunstnere om det offentlige rum? Det er denne bog et svar på: Gennem billeder, fortællinger, noveller, essays, digte og korte erklæringer beskrives tanker og oplevelser i det offentlige rum. Danish language edition.
Biography of an Industrial Landscape tells the story of one of the most significant urban redevelopment projects in northern Europe at the turn of the century. Examining the reinvention of the Carlsberg brewery site in Copenhagen as a city district, Svava Riesto unpacks the deeper assumptions about value that lie behind contemporary design, spatial...
Circular Construction Materials Architecture Tectonics. This book depicts a set of concrete examples of how to build in accordance with circular principles by using non-toxic, bio-based materials and low energy consumption, in other words by means of radical tectonics.
Byernes Jord. Hvorfra kommer ideen om, at en person eller en kapitalfond kan eje jord og dermed få et monopol på den, der udelukker andre? Det er et fundamentalt spørgsmål i BYERNES JORD, der opridser jordejendomsrettens historie i filosofi og magtspil, som de har udfoldet sig. Om den private ejendomsrets konsekvenser i forhold til økosystemerne og...
Hemmelige steder - Fra funktionalisme til brutalisme. Indeholder ypperlige eksempler fra de seneste 90 års moderne danske arkitektur. Detaljer og vinkler peger på nye sammenhænge på tværs af tid, stil og sted, og for arkitekturelskeren vil byen forandre og åbne sig på ny.
The Grand Projet - Understanding the Making and the Impact of Urban Megaprojects. A comprehensive reading and comparative analysis of urban megaprojects in Asia and Europe. How adaptable and inclusive can urban megaprojects be?
City of Comings and Goings. 100 architecture projects for migration. Essays on Berlin, London, Vienna, Arhus, Prato and Amsterdam. The spatial impacts of migration, one of the most pressing issues of our time
Expected publication in December 2020. Architecture in Effect. A substantial collection of essays emerging from the Swedish research environment of the same name. While it takes its point of departure from within the specific context that is Sweden, it includes contributions from authors based in the Nordic context, in the United Kingdom, Europe and the...
The Good Metropolis - From Urban Formlessness to Metropolitan Architecture.Survey of seminal 20th century urban theorists. Locations are Berlin, Chicago, Las Vegas, London, Los Angeles, New York and Paris. A richly illustrated and passionate plea for the city as a human habitat
Beyond Buildings. The work of GXN, the innovation unit of 3XN, provides a profound knowledge base of research in to digital design, circular design and behavioral design. The projects in this book showcases the process and realization of a design methodology of 3XN and GXN, fully engaged in The Era of Knowledge.
It begins with curiosity - Works by Henning Larsen Architects. This book presents a selection of the office’s recent projects, such as Harpa Reykjavík Concert Hall and Conference Center, Moesgaard Museum, Eystur Town Hall, and the French International School of Hong Kong.
Wellfare Architecture for All - C.F. Møller Architects - How can architecture enable better socialising, living, working, learning and healing? This book will aim to answer those questions.