Urban design and planning  There are 281 products.


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Inspirerende renoveringer - Når fortiden former fremtiden. Indeholder 13 eksempler på inspirerende renoveringer af henholdsvis vores produktionsbygninger på landet, industrisamfundets bygninger og bygninger fra nyere tid inkl. interviews med seks forskellige eksperter og fagligheder med perspektiv på tendenser, vigtige erkendelser og nybrud inden for...

DKK 349

Never too Small - Reimagining small space living. What does the future of urban living look like?

DKK 260

Building Climate - An Encyclopaedia on Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Spatial Planning on the Way to Net Zero

DKK 366

Living Places - Principles and Insights for a New Way of Thinking Buildings. This book shares the methodology and insights to inspire a transformative shift towards healthier, more sustainable homes.

DKK 95

De forhåndenværende søm - Når nye tegnestuer bevarer og transformerer bygninger og bymiljøer

DKK 145

De Jordiske Byer. This book is essential for anyone interested in the future of urban living and our role within the Earth’s ecological framework. 

DKK 299

The Consciousness of Place. This publication is a manifesto of a form of architecture that harmonizes with the respective location, reflecting the identity of its culture and people. In recent years, Chowdhury's constructed works have attracted international attention and have been awarded prizes such as the 2022 RIBA International Prize and the 2016 Aga...

DKK 199

North Sea Rising - A Case for Water-Based Commons. North Sea Rising - A Case for Water-Based Commons. New perspective on regional commons across the North Sea watershed, historical and present-day significance of the trade and urban networks, Mapping the Human-Ocean Nexus, biodiversity-focused 'ocean thinking', North Sea Manifesting balancing ecological...

DKK 349

The Sustainable City. This book celebrates the urban architecture that helps Londoners to live, work, play and share resources in a way that benefits not just the city, but our entire planet.

DKK 320

Klima, demokrati og samskabelse - Kommunen som katalysator for klimaengagement. Den grønne omstilling kræver nye måder at arbejde på. Bogen giver et overblik over forskning, erfaringer og cases fra både indland og udland med det formål at vise vejen til, hvordan vi kan lykkes bedre med grønne tiltag i et samarbejde mellem kommuner og engagerede borgere og...

Showing 253 - 264 of 281 items