Urban design and planning  There are 281 products.


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DKK 399

Copenhagen from the Sky. The book takes us on a tour all around the city, from the districts of Østerbro, Nørrebro and Vesterbro to Frederiksberg and the island of Amager with excursions to the northern suburbs.

DKK 349

The Green Dip - Covering the City with a Forest. How do you dip your city in green? The Green Dip offers ways to reintroduce nature into our cities, by critically examining architectural strategies and green solutions.

DKK 740

Food for Architects - Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz - Exponents of Excellent Housing. Zurich-based architects Steib Gmür Geschwentner Kyburz Partners offer an invitation for dinner: five delicious courses spanning good housing design, 30 years of Zurich urban development, and innovative architecture.

DKK 450

Rising Oceans and Spaces that Care - Complexities and ideas behind the Friendship Hospital. In times of global crises, architecture must also seek new sustainable approaches to climatic and social challenges. Richly illustrated with plans, diagrams and model photos that offer insight into the design and construction process in one of the world’s most...

DKK 399

Det Badende København - Fra søbad til havnebad. I Det badende København bliver byens og havnens udvikling belyst samlet og fra en usædvanlig vinkel: fra vandet, hvor livet gennem tiden har udfoldet sig mellem skibstrafik, ophalerbeddinger, skibsværfter og romantiske sø-promenader til nutidens cykelbroer. Rigt illustreret 


Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur nr. 7 2024 - Online magasin. Tema: Byggestop? / Stop Building? Should we, as a profession, work for a general halt to new construction in the developed world as a strategy to achieve the green transition?Magasin for Bygningskunst og Kultur nr. 7 2024 - Online magasin

DKK 549

New Public Spaces. European Streetscapes in the 21st Century. This publication highlights 32 squares located in 16 European countries, all of which have been designed or redesigned in last 20 years. Among these are Trafalgar Square, London, Benthemplein, Rotterdam, Stephansplatz, Vienna, and Nørre Voldgade, Copenhagen.

DKK 510

Architecture of Space - A captivating visual description of the famous public spaces that make Italy’s historic towns and cities so timelessly attractive. Inclusive thirty-two case studies.

DKK 380

Looking for the Voids - Learning from Asia's Liminal Urban Spaces as a Foundation to Expand an Architectural Practice. What can urban interstitial spaces in major cities in Asia teach us for the expansion of architectural practice?

DKK 315

The Art of Architectural Grafting. Architect Jeanne Gang explores how the horticultural practice of grafting can inspire a fresh paradigm for sustainable design.

DKK 395

The Computable City - Histories, Technologies, Stories, Predictions. How computers simulate cities and how they are also being embedded in cities, changing our behavior and the way in which cities evolve.

Showing 241 - 252 of 281 items