architecture · relations presents new realized projects from architectural offices in Switzerland, England and Denmark.
Rådhuset i Skovbrynet - Om Søllerød Rådhus tegnet af Arne Jacobsen og Flemming Lassen. Fotografier af Torben Eskerod
The New Wave in Danish Architecture - The first comprehensive framing and treatment of the most important new development in Danish architecture of the 2000s
Livet mellem husene - Jan Gehls klassiker fra 1971 står stadig uanfægtet som den mest grundlæggende indføring i udemiljøernes samspil med det sociale liv. Danish language edition.
Thorvald Bindesbøll - Danish language edition - Monograph on the architect Thorvald Bindesbøll (1846–1908)
Hvad tænker arkitekten på? What do architects think about theconditions facing architecture in Denmark right now? And what do they believe in? Danish language edit
Gottlieb Bindesbøll. Monography about the architect M.G.Bindesbøll (1800-1856) - Danish language edition.
Aarhus Raadhus in Aarhus, Denmark, designed by Danish architects Arne Jacobsen and Erik Møller in 1941 and today it has become an internationally recognized classic of Danish modernism
Farver i funktionalismen fortæller om en næsten upåagtet side af dansk funktionalistisk arkitektur, farverne på vægge, lofter, facader, vinduer m.m
Danske Kunstnertapeter 1930-1965 kan læses som et oversigtsværk over udviklingen i danske kunstnertapeter, men er også en fascinerende fortælling om rumkunst i den modernistiske periode.
Contours & Horizons - Reiulf Ramstad Architects. A long-awaited second monograph continues to explore his bold, yet plain architecture, anchored in a Scandinavian context.
Engineering with Ole Vanggaard is a tribute to engineer Ole Vanggaard. The book shows his work, studies, research and collaborative projects - through 16 authors from different countries.