Udkommer den 9. juni - Udelukket og indelukket - Arkitekten Karen Zahle. Monografi om arkitekten Karen Zahle.
DREAMWORLDREALWORLD - containing 11 architectural projects which range from large- to small-scale and from Denmark to abroad and 12 essays by leading architects and researchers with specialist knowledge about architecture, light and drawing. The book is intended for all who are interested in modern architecture, light and cultural development.
Kay Fisker - Works and Ideas in Danish Modern Architecture. This book examines Fisker's key projects – from his early railway stations and innovative housing projects to the Danish Academy in Rome – and analyses his work as a historian and writer.
ARNE - om Arne Jacobsen - eksklusivt i Arkitektens Butik - udstillingskataloget til den anmelderroste udstilling "Arne Jacobsen designer Danmark" på Trapholt.
Hvem er hun? Et liv som arkitekt, kvinde og indvandrer genoplevet i erindringen
Udkommer 8/9! Atlas - Tadeo Ando. Embraces not only the geographic but also thematic range of Ando’s oeuvre—from transit stations in Tokyo and Kobe to art museums in Fort Worth, Texas and Provence, France; from an artists’ retreat on the Mexican coast to the now-demolished Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester, England; from a theater in Milan, Italy, to an...
Juhani Pallasmaa - Thinking Hand: Existential and Embodied Wisdom in the Architecture. På vej til lager
Axel Towers - Lundgaard og Tranberg. Gennem et essay og et dybdegående interview med arkitekten, kommer man helt tæt på. Samtaleformatet sikrer en uformel beskrivelse, mens essayet supplerer med baggrundsviden.
Tadao Ando - Living in Harmony - New Contemporary Residences. This book showcases recent houses by the world-renowned Japanese minimalist architect, offering unprecedented access to his thought process through more than 100 photographs, line drawings, sketches, and plans. Bestillingsvare 4 dage.
Træ - Vandkunsten Arkitekte. Indeholder aktuelle projekter og essays fra Tegnestuen Vandkunsten, Danmarks førende træbyggere. Bogen er opdelt i temaer omkring fleksible og hybride byggeprincipper, regional arkitektur, præfabrikerede moduler og bokse, og massivtræ. Also available in English language edition.
Wood - Vandkunsten Architects. Wood encompasses nine recent, wood-based projects by the renowned Danish architecture studio Vandkunsten Architects, who has shaped the contemporary use of wood in Nordic architecture for over five decades. Projects include the flexible housing at Lisbjerg Bakke, the Arctic House in Greenland, and Senior cohousing at...