News in Nordic Architecture - Space & Interior. A collection of new projects designed by famous, and up-coming, young, Nordic architects.
News in Nordic Architecture 2020. A collection of new projects designed by famous Nordic architects.
Udkommer 8/9! Atlas - Tadeo Ando. Embraces not only the geographic but also thematic range of Ando’s oeuvre—from transit stations in Tokyo and Kobe to art museums in Fort Worth, Texas and Provence, France; from an artists’ retreat on the Mexican coast to the now-demolished Piccadilly Gardens in Manchester, England; from a theater in Milan, Italy, to an...
Et forsvar for storbyen. Denne bog er et faktabaseret forsvar for storbyen. Og den bringer provokerende og nye indsigter til kampen mellem land og by.
Axel Towers - Lundgaard og Tranberg. Gennem et essay og et dybdegående interview med arkitekten, kommer man helt tæt på. Samtaleformatet sikrer en uformel beskrivelse, mens essayet supplerer med baggrundsviden.
Architectural Material 2 Wood. Including more than 60 projects by 55 international practices, as well as brief statements from 25 architecture offices regarding their views on using this traditional material in modern buildings.
Wood - Vandkunsten Architects. Wood encompasses nine recent, wood-based projects by the renowned Danish architecture studio Vandkunsten Architects, who has shaped the contemporary use of wood in Nordic architecture for over five decades. Projects include the flexible housing at Lisbjerg Bakke, the Arctic House in Greenland, and Senior cohousing at...
Arne Jacobsen af Kjeld Vindum og Carsten Thau -nu tilgængelig igen i en dansksproget udgivelse.
Advancing Wood Architecture - A Computational Approach. Illustrated in full colour, the book showcases the latest technological developments in design computation, simulation and digital fabrication together with an architectural, engineering and manufacturing perspective, offering an outlook towards novel spatial and constructional opportunities of a...