Housing  There are 374 products.


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DKK 499

10 Buildings, 10 Architects

DKK 499

M3 Modeled Works (archive) 1972-2022. The work of Pritzker Prize–winning architect Thom Mayne and that of the firm Morphosis at its most pure is best seen in the models that preceded the buildings, masterworks made at scale, for the first time comprehensively gathered—and shown here.

DKK 249

Biogenic Construction - Materials Architecture Tectonics. How we can build in the future based on completely sustainable principles, where the planetary boundaries are taken into account. A presentation of the materials referred to as 'biogenic' incl. their importance for more climate- and environmentally friendly ways of building, how this affects the...

DKK 199

Traditionelle bygningsmaterialer - eksempler på byggemetoder i historiske huse. Indeholder masser af konkrete eksempler, billeder, historisk gennemgang af bygningstyper og stilarter - og en pædagogisk ordforklaring. henvender sig til både gør-det-selv-folket, håndværkere, rådgivere og alle andre, der har interesse i at passe på gamle huse og den...

DKK 549

Building better  - Less - Different - Circular Construction and Circular Economy. Fundamentals, Case Studies, Strategies. Presenting concepts, methods and examples of circularity in construction and the economy.

DKK 480

Christmas offer - expires December 23rd! The ArchDaily Guide to Good Architecture. The now and how of built environments. What’s best in architecture today and what’s most relevant for tomorrow come together in the first book by ArchDaily, the world’s most visited architecture website

DKK 200

Architectura 44 - Årsskrift for Selskabet for Arkitekturhistorie. Danish language edition with summaries in English.

DKK 549

Building with Paper - Architecture and Construction. Paper and cardboard as sustainable building materials are currently the subject of research and testing. They can be produced inexpensively, are made from renewable raw materials and are completely recyclable. This introduction explains the technology of building with cardboard and paper and shows a...

DKK 269

Houses That Can Save the World. An inspirational sourcebook of innovative and unexpected green design solutions for our homes that address the environmental and social issues facing our world today. På vej til lager!


Inspirerende renoveringer - Når fortiden former fremtiden. Indeholder 13 eksempler på inspirerende renoveringer af henholdsvis vores produktionsbygninger på landet, industrisamfundets bygninger og bygninger fra nyere tid inkl. interviews med seks forskellige eksperter og fagligheder med perspektiv på tendenser, vigtige erkendelser og nybrud inden for...

DKK 475

WOHA - New Forms of Sustainable Architecture. A major overview of Singapore’s most exciting architecture practice, documenting the complete corpus of WOHA’s pioneering sustainable and built work- Richly illustrated. På vej til lager!

DKK 399

Best High-Rises 2022/23. Internationaler Hochhaus Preis 2022. På vej til lager!

Showing 241 - 252 of 374 items