Architecture for Housing - Understanding the value of design through 14 case studies. New fundamentals for designing future-oriented housing. In-detail portraits of 14 impactful multi-unit dwelling projects by international architecture offices
Hvor tanken sættes fri. 20 gæster på San Cataldo fortæller om refugiet, hvor det enkle liv og de faste rutiner sætter tanken fri og giver rum til fordybelse.
Home Smart Home - How We Want to Live - this book portrays a society in the throes of digital transformation. The lines between work, leisure and rest have been blurred, as our homes become temporary, multipurpose work, fun and multimedia spaces; the office has invaded the home, and the world of smart shopping is always just a word away thanks to Alexa.
Window Wall by Pezo von Ellrichshausen. About the intersection between painting and architecture. Containing over one thousand handmade works -including paintings, sketches and line drawings- this edition is a comprehensive, alphabetical catalogue of Pezo von Ellrichshausen’s twenty-two years of art and architecture practice.
Making the Plus. Making The Plus not only takes you through the construction process of the “world’s most sustainable furniture factory,” documented by renowned photographer Einar Aslaksen. It also broadens our view on how architecture, industry, nature, and the public space have to be completely intertwined moving toward a sustainable future.
Looking at Trees - New Photography of Trees, Forests & Woodlands. 24 Photographers look at trees in a new light. This book brings together the world's best contemporary photography of trees, encouraging us to reconnect with the wisdom of these ancient, life-sustaining plants.
The Architecture of Urbanity - Designing for Nature, Culture, and Joy
Seltmann 100 Places In Berlin - Sarah Eick. One hundred photos of well-known and little-known Berlin places - always unpopulated - to send in postcard format. You've hardly ever seen Berlin like this.
København før og nu. Fotografen Nicolas Cosedis har været på jagt i arkiverne efter de bedste luftfotos af København fra de sidste 100 år. Efterfølgende har han fanget de samme motiver fra fly. Der er blevet bygget, revet ned og bygget igen, og København er blevet større og højere. Set oppefra er både genkendeligheden og forandringen tydelig.