Illustrated Building Dictionary. Et rigt illustreret og let forståeligt dansk-engelsk opslagsværk inden for arkitektur og byggeteknik. Bogen har ordregister fra dansk til engelsk og et fra engelsk til dansk med mere end 4.300 danske fagtermer og mere end 6.200 engelske termer.
The Color of Modernism: Paints, Pigments, and the transformation of Modern Architecture in 1920's Germany. One of the most enduring and pervasive myths about modernist architecture is that it was white-pure white walls both inside and out. Yet nothing could be further from the truth.
Space and Language in Architectural Education. For innovators in architectural education and those seeking to expand their teaching practice to incorporate literary methods and students from design-based disciplines with an established design studio culture, demonstrating how to use narrative, poetry and literature to expand and feed your imagination....
Vi har aldrig været moderne - Bruno Latour. At være moderne er at kunne skelne mellem tro og viden, natur og kultur, ting og menneske. Men hvor skal vi placere fænomener som huller i ozonlaget, genmodificerede planter, reagensglasbørn, skovdød og global opvarmning? Er de naturlige eller menneskeskabte? Lokale eller globale? Begge dele?
Climax Change! represents the much-needed overview of how climate change and the current environmental emergency will affect the practice of architecture, both in terms of its design philosophy and rising opportunities to innovate and radically transform the current tenet of architecture’s aesthetic, ethical and professional drives.
Vademecum: 77 Minor Terms for Writing Urban Places' offers a set of concepts that stimulate new approaches in planning, architecture, urban design, politics, and other practices of spatial development. På vej til lager.
Manual of Biogenic House Sections. Recognizing that buildings are a major contributor to global warming and the critical role of embodied versus operational carbon, the book focuses on houses built from materials that either sequester carbon (plants), use materials with very low embodied carbon (earth and stone) or reuse substantial amounts of existing...
Sustainable Building Systems and Construction for Designers - 3rd edition. Now in its third edition, the award-winning Sustainable Building Systems and Construction for Designers has been updated to reflect current CIDA accreditation standards and include recent industry trends related to interior construction, such as security and well-being.
Kay Fisker - Works and Ideas in Danish Modern Architecture - soft cover edition.
Re-Use in Construction - A Compendium of Circular Architecture. This book is a unique compendium of circular architecture. Richly illustrated, it explores comprehensively through essays and illuminating conversations between experts all the questions and challenges that architects and engineers face with circular architecture designs.
Archigram - The Book. ‘Archigram was to architecture what the Beatles were to rock and roll. No less.’ - Michael Sorkin.
Rummets poetik. Rummets poetik er et fænomenologisk hovedværk om vores intime rum, vores hjem. Den udkom oprindeligt i 1957 og foreligger hermed i dansk oversættelse. Introduktion ved Gilles Hieronimus