Transformation  14 varer

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DKK 520

Modern Heritage - Reuse, Renovation, Restauration

DKK 370

Buildings Reimagined - A Dialogue between Old and New. This book provides an in-depth analysis of a selection of thirty building types: looking closely at the property's background, the transformation of the motivation, the transformation strategy, as well as the problems encountered in the transformation. 

DKK 350

Residences Reimagined - Succesful Renovation and Expansion of Old Homes. Providing a useful overview of nearly 30 cases from across the globe, providing inspiring examples of how to refresh an old structure through sensitive modifications without changing the original architectural type. Richly illustrated including "before" and "after" photos.

DKK 450

Converted - Reinventing Architecture. The 60 best and most spectacular building conversions on the international architecture scene, with descriptions and photographs of projects by renowned, world class firms. 

DKK 260

Concrete - Conservation Challenges. Docomomo dossier 10


De forhåndenværende søm - Når nye tegnestuer bevarer og transformerer bygninger og nærmiljøer - 20 eksempler FREE EPUB. Rigt illustrereret.

DKK 349

towards transformation - the 33.3% attitude. Strategies for alternative handling of existing building stock. Case studies of single-family home neighborhoods, residential and office complexes as well as large-scale structures such as parking garages

DKK 300

Circular Construction for Urban Development - A System. Introduction with Ellen MacArthur Foundation.


Inspirerende renoveringer - Når fortiden former fremtiden. Indeholder 13 eksempler på inspirerende renoveringer af henholdsvis vores produktionsbygninger på landet, industrisamfundets bygninger og bygninger fra nyere tid inkl. interviews med seks forskellige eksperter og fagligheder med perspektiv på tendenser, vigtige erkendelser og nybrud inden for...

DKK 95

De forhåndenværende søm - Når nye tegnestuer bevarer og transformerer bygninger og bymiljøer

DKK 380

Udkommer i oktober - Forudbestil nu! Transforming Mathildehöhe: A World Heritage Site. History and renovation of the unique Art Nouveau monument. Best practice example of a sensitive restoration consistent with conservation requirements 

DKK 429

Traffic Space is Public Spac - A Handbook for Transformation. Creative strategies for conflicts between the growing demand for public space and increasingly dense traffic in urban areas

Viser 1 - 12 af 14