Territoriel produktion - Om klodens opskæring i territorier. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Forårstilbud! 50 Buildings - Danish Architecture 2016-2022. Guide på 316 sider med det bedste i dansk arkitektur 2016-2022. Rigt illustreret med fotos og tegninger. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
The City as a Project. New updated edition. What if the city can be seen differently than as a sort of self-organising chaos? Shaped not only by material forces, but also by cultural and didactic visions, the city may instead result from political intention in the form of architectural projects. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34, 2 min fra...
New Grammar of Ornaments. Updating Owen Jones' 1856 classic: the new standard typology of ornament, spanning centuries and cultures
Opening Spaces - Design as Landscape Architecture 2nd edition. Reprint of the popular workbook. På vej til lager!
Biogenic Construction - Materials Architecture Tectonic / Biogent byggeri - Materiale arkitektur tektonik. Hvordan kan vi skabe arkitektur som reelt bidrager til den grønne omstilling? Hvordan kan vi øge anvendelsen af biogene materialer i byggeriet? Hvordan kan vi bygge på måder, hvor vi kombinerer den bedste viden fra traditionel byggekultur med...
Advancing Wood Architecture - A Computational Approach. Illustrated in full colour, the book showcases the latest technological developments in design computation, simulation and digital fabrication together with an architectural, engineering and manufacturing perspective, offering an outlook towards novel spatial and constructional opportunities of a...
Architectural Material 2 Wood. Including more than 60 projects by 55 international practices, as well as brief statements from 25 architecture offices regarding their views on using this traditional material in modern buildings. Leveringstid 5-10 dage
Architecture From Prehistory to Climate Emergency. A groundbreaking history of architecture told through the relationship between buildings and energy.
Emerging New Practices (2022) Limited edition. The book presents a selection of 95 studio profiles, a series of short interviews that allow the reader with a closer look at the offices’ approach, early steps, current work fields, and future challenges. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34
Building better - Less - Different - Circular Construction and Circular Economy. Fundamentals, Case Studies, Strategies. Presenting concepts, methods and examples of circularity in construction and the economy.
Modern Construction Handbook, 6th ed.. New edition of the popular handbook