Undervisning  10 varer


DKK 499

Fujimori Terunobu Architecture. Om den japanske arkitekt og arkitekturhistoriker Fujimori (1946). 

DKK 249

Four Walls and a Roof - The Complex Nature of a Simple Profession. Tells the story of a profession buffeted by external forces that determine--at least as much as individual inspiration--what architects design. A must-read list for architects, planners, and urban designers alike

DKK 160

Idékatalog over designstrategier for adskillelse i præfabrikeret byggeri

DKK 349

Making Healthy Places, Second Edition: Designing and Building for Well-Being, Equity, and Sustainability. This edition expands the treatment of some topics that received less attention a decade ago, such as the relationship of the built environment to equity and health disparities, climate change, resilience, new technology developments, and the evolving...

DKK 370

UDSOLGT FRA FORLAGET! Designing Sustainable Cities - Manageable Approaches to Make Urban Spaces Better

DKK 180

Afventer genoptryk! Building With a Positive Footprint. This book makes clear at once what needs to be done for buildings to contribute positively to a better world and your role in it. Inspiration and workbook to get you started and to inspire others. 

DKK 479

Brodsky & Utkin. En præsentation af de berømte russiske "papirarkitekter" Alexander Brodsky og Illya Utkins samlede værker

DKK 600

Gunnar Aagaard Andersen - Denne store monografi om billedkunstneren Gunnar Aagaard Andersen belyser og perspektiverer hans banebrydende indsats i krydsfeltet mellem kunst og design

DKK 1.402

The Minimum Dwelling. The long-awaited English-language publication of Karel Teige's influential book on the minimum dwelling as a new housing type for the working class. It has taken 70 years for an English translation...nothing of equivalent significance has appeared in the interim. BESTILLINGSVARE

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