Fujimori Terunobu Architecture. Om den japanske arkitekt og arkitekturhistoriker Fujimori (1946).
Four Walls and a Roof - The Complex Nature of a Simple Profession. Tells the story of a profession buffeted by external forces that determine--at least as much as individual inspiration--what architects design. A must-read list for architects, planners, and urban designers alike
Idékatalog over designstrategier for adskillelse i præfabrikeret byggeri
Making Healthy Places, Second Edition: Designing and Building for Well-Being, Equity, and Sustainability. This edition expands the treatment of some topics that received less attention a decade ago, such as the relationship of the built environment to equity and health disparities, climate change, resilience, new technology developments, and the evolving...
UDSOLGT FRA FORLAGET! Designing Sustainable Cities - Manageable Approaches to Make Urban Spaces Better
Afventer genoptryk! Building With a Positive Footprint. This book makes clear at once what needs to be done for buildings to contribute positively to a better world and your role in it. Inspiration and workbook to get you started and to inspire others.
Brodsky & Utkin. En præsentation af de berømte russiske "papirarkitekter" Alexander Brodsky og Illya Utkins samlede værker
Gunnar Aagaard Andersen - Denne store monografi om billedkunstneren Gunnar Aagaard Andersen belyser og perspektiverer hans banebrydende indsats i krydsfeltet mellem kunst og design
The Minimum Dwelling. The long-awaited English-language publication of Karel Teige's influential book on the minimum dwelling as a new housing type for the working class. It has taken 70 years for an English translation...nothing of equivalent significance has appeared in the interim. BESTILLINGSVARE
Intro rabat! Bydesign - Manual med 10 designprincipper - Masterplan Refshaleøen