Forming Welfare. How can architecture, space, planning and design add to our present welfare? And which new problems and potentials arise if we try to solve future welfare challenges with form? Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 v Nørreport st/metro
Frembringelse. Den arkitektoniske proces. Hvordan skaber man noget nyt? Giver det mening at sige, at man har en bestemt metode, når den enkelte skabelsesproces udmærker sig ved dens forskellighed fra de andre? Hvornår ved man, at man er færdig?
On the Art of Notation. The book is concerned with the double nature of architectural drawing as both an artefact in itself and an instruction
The Makings of an Architectural Model af Peter Bertram. Arkitekturmodellen er et afgørende redskab i arkitektens arbejde og udvikling af nye ideer
When Architects and Designers Write / Draw / Build - Gennem de seneste år er forskning gradvist blevet en mere integreret del af arkitekt- og designskolernes profil. Denne antologi belyser potentialer og udfordringer for forskning i arkitektur og design.
Refractions—Artistic Research in Architecture consists of a series of essays that investigate the practice that we call artistic research incl. interviews with a number of researchers, all of whom have worked within the frame of this concept and presents visual material that attests to the wide compass of such reflective artistic production. Kan også...
Invention of a Problem. The topic of the book is the unfolding of the creative process in architectural media
Healing Architecture 2004-2017. What does architecture have to do with health? Can architecture support the healing process?
Form til velfærd. Hvordan kan arkitektur, rum, planlægning og design bidrage til at løfte velfærden i dag? Hvilke nye problemer og muligheder opstår der i forsøget på at formulere løsninger for fremtidens velfærd gennem form? Ny bog om velfærdsdesign og om hvordan man kan designe velfærd. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 v Nørreport st/metro
Manual of Section. Along with plan and elevation, section is one of the essential representational techniques of architectural design; among architects and educators, debates about a project's section are common and often intense. Until now, however, there has been no framework to describe or evaluate it. Manual of Section fills this void.
Computed Morphologies. Presentation of a series of ground-breaking experiments with topological optimization of architectural structures
The City Between Freedom and Security - Contested Public Spaces in the 21st Century