Idékatalog - Designstrategier for materialers og konstruktioners kredsløb. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Building better - Less - Different - Circular Construction and Circular Economy. Fundamentals, Case Studies, Strategies. Presenting concepts, methods and examples of circularity in construction and the economy.
Design for Sustainability Survival Guide. The guide covers everything in sustainability: from personal reader experience to universal guiding principles, from energy use and the flow of materials to the role of time, consumption, use, circularity and reduction.
Make Sense: Architecture by White. About White Arkitekter, Scandinavia's leading interdisciplinary architecture practice
Building with Paper - Architecture and Construction. Paper and cardboard as sustainable building materials are currently the subject of research and testing. They can be produced inexpensively, are made from renewable raw materials and are completely recyclable. Explains the technology of building with cardboard and paper and shows a wide range of examples.
Houses That Can Save the World. An inspirational sourcebook of innovative and unexpected green design solutions for our homes that address the environmental and social issues facing our world today.
Inspirerende renoveringer - Når fortiden former fremtiden. Indeholder 13 eksempler på inspirerende renoveringer af henholdsvis vores produktionsbygninger på landet, industrisamfundets bygninger og bygninger fra nyere tid inkl. interviews med seks forskellige eksperter og fagligheder med perspektiv på tendenser, vigtige erkendelser og nybrud inden for...
WOHA - New Forms of Sustainable Architecture. A major overview of Singapore’s most exciting architecture practice, documenting the complete corpus of WOHA’s pioneering sustainable and built work- Richly illustrated.
Plant a Seed - Designing with Wood and Bio-based Materials. Henning Larsen architects share their insights on designing with wood and bio-based materials for significantly reduced carbon. Incl. a collection of projects, showcasing the versatility of wood, a deep dive into the myths that exist around wood, and finally, an entire catalog of different types...
Architect, verb - The New Language of Building by Reinier de Graaf. The Hidden Rules of Architecture: how to build world-class, award winning, creative, innovative, sustainable, liveable and beautiful spaces that foster a sense of place and well being.
Reclaimed - New Homes from Old Materials. An inspiring collection of homes made from salvaged and repurposed materials showcasing design ingenuity and award-winning architecture from across the globe
Growing Architecture - How to Design and Build with Trees. The book encourages a whole new look at architecture that becomes part of urban nature. Richly illustrated.