The Gardens of Eden - New Residential Garden Concepts & Architecture for a Greener Planet

Af gestalten & Abbye Churchill

DKK 380


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The Garden of Eden. Wander through an assortment of innovative gardens, from rooftop plots to lush countryside backyards.

The Garden of Eden. 

As our lifestyles become more sustainable, so does the way we interact with our gardens. No matter what size your patch is, it’s easy to create diverse and rich environments for plants and insects, or to grow your own fruits or vegetables. The Gardens of Edens introduces you to over 20 imaginative projects, featuring interviews with garden designers, insightful textx, and plans to show what contemporary garden culture looks like. In addition, this title offers information about different climate zones and soil types and gives tips for sustainable gardening and self-sufficiency. Get creative with native plants, and design greener corners within urban areas. The Garden of Eden looks at fascinating examples of gardens around the world, teaching what you can do for nature while revealing what a green space can do for you.

Forfattergestalten & Abbye Churchill
Format21 x 26 cm
IndbindingHard cover
Side tal256