Mono-Material - Monolithic, homogeneous and circular construction. Solid matter. Monolithic and homogeneous concepts for a circular approach to architecture.
Københavns Murerlaug 1623-2023. Sætter fokus på forskellige aspekter af murværk og murerfaget dengang, idag og i fremtiden. Om hvordan der ligger tunge kulturbærende traditioner i murerhåndværket, som giver det en bestående karakter, hvor mursten, teglprodukter og murværkskonstruktioner kan tage nye former i bæredygtighedens navn.
Sublime Hideaways and Remote Retreats and Residences
Reconstructing the Future - Cities as Carbon Sinks. This volume compiles the papers presented by world-renowned scientists, architects, spatial planners, activists, and policy makers at the Reconstructing the Future for People and Planet conference, held at the Vatican in June 2022.
Bofællesskaber - Co-housing - Vandkunsten Architects. a selection of ten ongoing or recent projects that features social, minimal, exclusive and quite ordinary settings in which people live. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
BIG Architecture and Construction Details / Architektur und Baudetails - This monograph presents 19 exciting projects from BIG’s creative workshop. It invites to a new experience of architecture. Richly illustrated.
Building Biology - Criteria and Architectural Design. Building biology teaches us about the holistic interaction between people and their built environment. It combines building culture with ecology and disciplines such as chemistry, biology, geology, and psychology.
Building for Hope - Towards an Architecture of Belonging. The follow-up to the Syrian architect's dramatic memoir, in which she explores how cities and buildings might be rebuilt in the aftermath of conflict, crisis or financial depression.
Building with Wood - The New Timber Architecture. Learn how cutting-edge innovations using one of civilization’s oldest construction materials are reshaping the built environment in sustainable and beautiful ways.
How to Study Public Life - Methods in Urban Design. How do we accommodate a growing urban population in a way that is sustainable, equitable, and inviting?
‘Dialog med samtiden’ er det første samlede værk om arkitekten Martin Nyrop (1849-1921).