Særpris - køb inden 20/10! Vilje, viden og værdier - J.C. Jacobsens villa på Carlsberg. Historien om livet i og omkring Carlsbergs unikke villa foldes ud. Om villaens arkitektur, haveanlæg, kunstneriske udsmykning og restaurering samt om de videnskabsmænd, der fik tildelt villaen som æresbolig, heriblandt Niels Bohr. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen,...
Teknik og arkitektur - mod en bedre byggeskik. Udgivelsen giver en grundlæggende indføring i, hvordan arkitekter kan arbejde ud fra en fornyet viden om god byggeskik, hvor bæredygtighed er en grundpræmis. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
The Humane Home - Easy Steps for Sustainable & Green Living
Architecture From Prehistory to Climate Emergency. A groundbreaking history of architecture told through the relationship between buildings and energy.
Særtilbud! Architectural Styles - A visual guide. A hand-drawn guide to architectural styles throughout history
Come Together - The Architecture of Multigenerational Living. Featuring architecturally stunning designs from around the globe and voices of leading architects championing the benefits of this family-style living, Come Together points to the changing face of the family home.
Future Cities Lab - Indicia 03. This third and final volume in the Indicia book series presents the results of the Future Cities Laboratory research program in the form of actions for sustainable city-making. Research results are presented as condensed actions that take the form of general principles, recommendations and practical guidelines.
Play to Learn - Designing for Uncertainty. A hands-on inspirational guide to creating holistic design solutions that place the learner at the center. With contributions from leading professionals within neuroscience, play, and education.
Facaden - Teori og praksis. Om facadens funktion, teknik og æstetik. Rigt illustreret med fotos og tegninger.
Bakkehusene. Fortællingen om Danmarks første rækkehusbebyggelse i 1900-tallet. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Radical Architecture of the Future. How the work of contemporary architecture practices covers far more than the design and construction of buildings – an important and thought-provoking collection of original projects by unique thinkers in the world of architecture and spatial design, such as Diller + Scofidio, David Adjaye, and Ensamble Studio
Modern Heritage - Reuse, Renovation, Restauration