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DKK 350

Bofællesskaber - 1970 til i dag. Bogen belyser overordnede perspektiver og dykker ned i 20 udvalgte bofællesskaber fra de seneste fem årtier. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34, 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro

DKK 349

Wood - Vandkunsten Architects. Wood encompasses nine recent, wood-based projects by the renowned Danish architecture studio Vandkunsten Architects, who has shaped the contemporary use of wood in Nordic architecture for over five decades. Projects include the flexible housing at Lisbjerg Bakke, the Arctic House in Greenland, and Senior cohousing at...

DKK 399

Advancing Wood Architecture - A Computational Approach. Illustrated in full colour, the book showcases the latest technological developments in design computation, simulation and digital fabrication together with an architectural, engineering and manufacturing perspective, offering an outlook towards novel spatial and constructional opportunities of a...

DKK 369

Points for Contemporary Nordic Architecture. Indeholder en dagsorden for arkitektur, der tager højde for nordiske moderne arkitektoniske værdier som godt design, enkelthed, mennesker i centrum for arkitekturen, gode relationer til omgivelserne, håndværk og innovation uden at miste perspektivet på klimaet og behovet for genbrug. 

DKK 639

Contemporary Japanese Architecture. A presentation of 39 architects and 55 exceptional projects by Japanese masters—from Tadao Ando’s Shanghai Poly Theater, Shigeru Ban’s concert hall La Seine Musical, SANAA’S Grace Farms, Fumihiko Maki’s 4 World Trade Center, to Takashi Suo’s much smaller sustainable dental clinic.

DKK 569

Case Study Houses. The Complete CSH Program 1945-1966. The program gave America new models for residential living. This comprehensive account of the project presents each of the 36 prototype homes through floor plans, sketches, and photographs, and explores how architects like Richard Neutra, Charles and Ray Eames, and Eero Saarinen redefined the Los...

DKK 529

100 Contemporary Wood Buildings XL. How has this elemental material come to steal the show at luxury hot spring structures and cutting-edge urban renewal schemes? With 100 projects from China, Chile, and everywhere in between, this global survey explores the technical, environmental, and sensory elements that have inspired a return to timber.

DKK 425

Cabin Fever - Enchanting Cabins, Shacks, and Hideaways

DKK 290

GA Houses 177: 50 Houses from Archive 3 - Japan 2001-2021. GA Houses’ documents outstanding new residential architecture from all over the world. To mark their 50th anniversary, Issue 177 of the magazine culled 50 masterpiece homes from their rich archive that have been spotlighted sinc

DKK 175

MONU Late Life Urbanism. The topic of “Late Life Urbanism” looks at how architecture and cities will be impacted in the future by societies that become increasingly older. According to Deane Simpson, an important group to consider is the “Young-Old” demographic, which corresponds to a shift from an ethos of care to one of leisure and entertainment.

DKK 300

Hemmelige steder - Arkitektens Guide til særlige bygningsværker i det midtjyske

Viser 157 - 168 af 380