Climate - Building Resilience. 29 cases and interviews unfolding the many ways research and practice can contribute to a sustainable agenda.
Kazuo Shinohara -Traversing the House and the City. Essays, interviews with clients and collaborators, and translations of Shinohara’s key texts including previously unpublished archival drawings and personal travel photographs by Shinohara. Reframes his architectural achievements in terms of his oeuvre as a whole and situates them in the broader cultural...
Om det Køln baserede arkitektfirma JSWD Architekten. En forståelse af bygningskvalitet, urban design, og kompetence inden for bæredygtigt byggeri er altid centrale aspekter for deres projekter. Rigt illustreret.
50 Urban Block. This set of cards contains 50 examples of how to design an urban block. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st./metro
Territoriel produktion - Om klodens opskæring i territorier. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Vademecum: 77 Minor Terms for Writing Urban Places' offers a set of concepts that stimulate new approaches in planning, architecture, urban design, politics, and other practices of spatial development. På vej til lager.
Old is New - Architectural Works by New Material Research Laboratory. Richly illustrated, the book shows the choice of materials for each project. Additional text contributions delve into the origin of the laboratory’s design ethos rooted in Japanese tradition and aesthetics and their historical context.
Idékatalog - Designstrategier for genanvendelse af nedrivningsmaterialer. 3XN, JAJA, Enemærke & Petersen a/s, næste og Cinark
Out of the Woods - Architecture and Interiors built from wood. Inventive new ways of building using nature’s oldest and most adaptive material.
Medium Design: Knowing How to Work on the World. Everyone is a designer: making sense of the world. Including case studies dealing with everything from automation and migration to explosive urban growth and atmospheric changes, Medium Design looks not to new technologies for innovation but rather to sophisticated relationships between emergent and...
Atmosfære og byggekultur - Atmosphere and Building Culture. Gennem ni eksempler fra vikingetiden til i dag, belyser Anders Gammelgaard Nielsen i tekst og billeder sammenhænge mellem den måde, vi bygger på, og de rumlige atmosfærer, der opstår. Kan også købes i Åbenrå 34 - 2 min f/Nørreport st/metro