A monograph on Grafton Architects - one of the key figures in modern and contemporary architecture. Richly illustrated. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34
Container Atlas seeks out luxurious remote hideaways, urban dwellings, community centers, and more, all showing how the humble container can put the fab into pre-fab. Updated and extended version.
Between Silence and Light. Updated with a new preface, this classic work is a major statement on human creativity, showing us Louis Kahn as architect, visionary, and poet. Including 40 black and white photographs and line drawings
Udelukket og indelukket - Arkitekten Karen Zahle. Monografi om arkitekten Karen Zahle. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Archidoodle - An Architect's Activity Book. Aimed at at anyone who loves drawing buildings, it encourages the users to imagine their own creative solutions by sketching, drawing and painting in the pages of the book. Incl. examples of works and ideas by major architects
Byen på tegnebordet - Drawing a City. Præsenterer en række fænomenale arkitekttegninger af københavnske bygninger – og giver indblik i, hvorfor den danske hovedstad er så gennemdesignet.Med sine mange hidtil upublicerede arkitekturtegninger og nye by fotos er bogen den oplagte gave til alle, der interesserer sig for København og for byens design.
Hide and Seek - The Architecture of Cabins and Hide-Outs. Our longing for simplicity, clarity, and retreat often leads us into nature
Hinterland - Cabins, Love Shacks and Other Hide-Outs. The cabin has become our third place, our hideaway where we can recharge our spirits and reconnect with ourselves, away from the restraints of society and the stress of the everyday. This book presents the best new cabin architecture and design.
Gellerup - visionerne, udviklingen og de nyeste tiltag. Fortæller historien om udviklingen af et af de mest ambitiøse og kontroversielle byudviklingsprojekter i danmarkshistorien. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Folkets fabrik - People's Factory. Gennem en omfattende billeddokumentation af fabrikkens transformation, inddragelse af historisk materiale, interviews med centrale aktører og essays udfoldes historien om Maltfabrikken som et nyt arkitektonisk og kulturelt samlingspunkt for Ebeltoft og regionen.
Evergreen Architecture - Overgrown buildings and greener living. surveys a broad spectrum of residential, institutional, urban, and rural spaces. But as change occurs and solutions to the climate crisis are being integrated on the ground, many new questions are posed. How do residents keep moss-covered walls alive? How can a skyscraper uphold the weight...
The Secret Lives of Color- Hardback. The Secret Lives of Colour tells the unusual stories of the 75 most fascinating shades, dyes and hues.