Økologi og bæredygtighed  210 varer

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DKK 419

Solution. Om bæredygtigt byggeri, genbrug og genanvendelse af byggematerialer.


Partners for a Sustainable Future. Formålet med den nye publikation, er at dokumentere, fremme og styrke samarbejde og interaktion mellem akademi, praksis og en bred sværm af interessenter for sammen at virke til en mere bæredygtig fremtid.

DKK 374

Climate - Building Resilience. 29 cases and interviews unfolding the many ways research and practice can contribute to a sustainable agenda.

DKK 475

Old is New - Architectural Works by New Material Research Laboratory. Richly illustrated, the book shows the choice of materials for each project. Additional text contributions delve into the origin of the laboratory’s design ethos rooted in Japanese tradition and aesthetics and their historical context. 

DKK 160

Idékatalog - Designstrategier for genanvendelse af nedrivningsmaterialer.  3XN, JAJA, Enemærke & Petersen a/s, næste og Cinark

DKK 380

Out of the Woods - Architecture and Interiors built from wood. Inventive new ways of building using nature’s oldest and most adaptive material.

DKK 380

Stay Wild - Cabins, Rural Getaways, and Sublime Solitude. Low-impact tourism that cuts your carbon footprint and enhances your connection to nature.

DKK 460

Container Atlas seeks out luxurious remote hideaways, urban dwellings, community centers, and more, all showing how the humble container can put the fab into pre-fab. Updated and extended version.

DKK 439

Hinterland - Cabins, Love Shacks and Other Hide-Outs. The cabin has become our third place, our hideaway where we can recharge our spirits and reconnect with ourselves, away from the restraints of society and the stress of the everyday. This book presents the best new cabin architecture and design.

DKK 699

Nature and Cities - The Ecological Imperative in Urban Design and Planning. Essays by leading international architects, landscape architects, city planners, and urban designers demonstrates the economic, environmental, and public health benefits of integrating nature more fully into cities.


Materialeatlas over byggematerialers genbrugs- og genanvendelses potentialer. Atlasset er udformet som en oversigt over de miljømæssige muligheder og barrierer knyttet til en bred vifte af byggematerialer. FREE EPUB

DKK 369

Points for Contemporary Nordic Architecture. Indeholder en dagsorden for arkitektur, der tager højde for nordiske moderne arkitektoniske værdier som godt design, enkelthed, mennesker i centrum for arkitekturen, gode relationer til omgivelserne, håndværk og innovation uden at miste perspektivet på klimaet og behovet for genbrug. 

Viser 37 - 48 af 210