Monografier  209 varer

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DKK 399

Nordic Pavilion, Venice: Voices from the Archives. Richly illustrated with previously unpublished images, among them many photographs taken by Fehn himself, the archival evidence also sheds new light on one of the great Nordic architects of the recent past.

DKK 200

Frank Lloyd Wright On Architecture, Nature, and the Human Spirit. Book of Quotes. Get to know Frank Lloyd Wright through this book filled with his quotes, which are grouped into twelve themes including "Humanity", "Nature", "Beauty" and many more. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34, 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro

DKK 599

The Importance of a Drawing - Louis Kahn. Based on unprecedented archival research, engagingly presented by a group of eminent scholars and architects, and lavishly illustrated with over 600 highest quality reproductions. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport 

DKK 399

Residential Masterpieces 30: Mies Van Der Rohe Farnsworth House Plano, Illinois Usa, 1945-51- Richly illustrated with drawings and photos. 

DKK 699

El Croquis 199: Smiljan Radic (2013-2019) The Weight Of The World

DKK 419

Solution. Om bæredygtigt byggeri, genbrug og genanvendelse af byggematerialer.

DKK 580

UDSOLGT FRA FORLAGET! Norman Foster - Sketchbook 1975-2020 - reflecting Foster’s career from the 1970s until nowadays, through his personal sketchbooks. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro

DKK 248

Mit arkitektliv - Nils Ole Lund. En skattet professor og rektor for den nydannede arkitektskole i Århus og en gudbenådet pædagog, der formåede at omsætte tanketunge, ofte filosofisk tyngede teorier til forståeligt dansk bl.a. i bøgerne Teoridannelser i arkitekturen, 1970, Arkitekturteorier siden 1945, 2001 foruden oversigtsværket Nordisk Arkitektur, 1991. 

DKK 380

Louis Kahn On the Thoughtful Making of Spaces - sheds new light on several of major works in a timely reappraisal of Kahn’s work.The result of extensive research, illustrated with unpublished archival material and new analytic drawings

DKK 920

Sigurd Lewerentz - Architect of Death and Life. The entire Sigurd Lewerentz: built and unrealized building designs, retail spaces, churches, cemeteries and landscape designs, exhibition architecture graphic and product design, furniture and interiors. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34, 2 min f/Nørreport

DKK 549

Kazuo Shinohara -Traversing the House and the City. Essays, interviews with clients and collaborators, and translations of Shinohara’s key texts including previously unpublished archival drawings and personal travel photographs by Shinohara. Reframes his architectural achievements in terms of his oeuvre as a whole and situates them in the broader cultural...

DKK 299

Om det Køln baserede arkitektfirma JSWD Architekten. En forståelse af bygningskvalitet, urban design, og kompetence inden for bæredygtigt byggeri er altid centrale aspekter for deres projekter. Rigt illustreret.

Viser 97 - 108 af 209