Monografier  209 varer

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DKK 300

Play to Learn - Designing for Uncertainty. A hands-on inspirational guide to creating holistic design solutions that place the learner at the center. With contributions from leading professionals within neuroscience, play, and education.

DKK 399

Snøhetta - People, Process, Projects. This volume explores Snøhetta's humanistic approach to architecture, its transdisciplinary processes and its eclectic oeuvre from 1989 to the present.

DKK 349

Det essentielle – Arkitekt Bodil Kjær om sine internationale arbejder 1950-2000. Hendes arbejdsbord blev tilbage i 1959 udråbt som verdens mest elegante og blev et ikon, der understøttede et omfattende internationalt virke indenfor design og formgivning.

DKK 249

Sonnesgade 11, SLETH - Ny dansk arkitektur. bd. 9 Nu kommer de næste to bind i den populære bogserie om ny dansk arkitektur. Gennem 10 bind vil serien give et vitalt signalement af den nyeste danske bygningskunst. Hvert bind udfolder et enkelt bygningsværk og portrætterer tegnestuen bag. 

DKK 1.200

Architectural Colour Design - Le Corbusier. Including colour keyboards and slider. With 63 colors from 9 color groups, Le Corbusier’s Architectural Polychromy offers a unique tool for skillful and convincing color concepts. GERMAN DESIGN AWARD SPECIAL 2022  

DKK 400

Særpris - køb inden 20/10 Moderne i 100 år - Vilhelm Lauritzen Arkitekter

DKK 299

Kay Fisker - Works and Ideas in Danish Modern Architecture - soft cover edition. 

DKK 350

Særpris - køb inden 20/10! Vilje, viden og værdier - J.C. Jacobsens villa på Carlsberg. Historien om livet i og omkring Carlsbergs unikke villa foldes ud. Om villaens arkitektur, haveanlæg, kunstneriske udsmykning og restaurering samt om de videnskabsmænd, der fik tildelt villaen som æresbolig, heriblandt Niels Bohr. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen,...

DKK 349

Henning Larsens Skitser. Tegningerne spænder fra små visuelle notater til grafiske eksperimenter, der inspirerede til nye arkitekturformer. Men kun få af de tusinder bevarede skitser har været vist i de hidtidige udgivelser om Henning Larsen. 

DKK 349

The Architectural Sketches of Henning Larsen. This book presents a selection of his drawings and portrays how he developed both professionally and personally from the young, dreaming, and curious architect to a committed and open-minded leader of a large architectural practice

DKK 499

M3 Modeled Works (archive) 1972-2022. The work of Pritzker Prize–winning architect Thom Mayne and that of the firm Morphosis at its most pure is best seen in the models that preceded the buildings, masterworks made at scale, for the first time comprehensively gathered—and shown here.

DKK 420

Architecture for Disquiet Bodies - Didier Fiúza Faustino. “Architecture for Disquiet Bodies” offers a comprehensive overview on the French-Portuguese conceptual architect. In essays, Faustino’s own texts and richly illustrated explorations of 30 selected projects, the book investigates unique creations that place the body at the center of an architect’s...

Viser 133 - 144 af 209