Ingen adgang - Social eksklusion i byens rum. Bogen belyser og giver indsigt i den moderne bys udstødende faktorer og mekanismer, beskriver konkrete typologier, forklaringer og oplevelser med ekskluderende design, behandler professionsetiske overvejelser omkring ekskluderende design og redegør for juridiske sove- og tiggeriforbud.
Bevaringsværdig byggebranche - et manifest. Et manifest for en nødvendig, ny byggekultur i Danmark, der harmonerer med planetens grænser. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Architecture Connecting: Living Structures presents three design studios with a diverse use of biology and biochemistry as a basis for their practices: ecoLogicStudio, Atelier LUMA and Jenny Sabin Studio. Exhibition catalogue Lousiana Museum of Modern Art. Richly illustrated.
Særtilbud! Danske lamper - 1920 til nu er den første samlede fortælling om dansk lampedesign. Bogen er gennem illustreret med historiske fotos og nye optagelser.
Særtilbud! Omfavnet af mørke - Cisternerne - fra vandreservoir til kunsthal
Unboxing Carbon - The Catalogue - Exterior Materials. The open-source catalogs are a collection of architectural materials presenting complex data from Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in a visually accessible way, and in a unit that is readily understandable for architects: by square meter.
Sustainable and Regenerative Materials for Architecture - A Sourcebook. This handbook of low- and no-carbon materials for architects and designers focuses on sustainable materials, their sourcing, technical properties and the processes required for their use in architecture.
Sorted by Type - Circular Construction Methods. The handbook for circular design principles. Overview of reversible joining techniques and recyclable building materials. Comprehensive detailed catalogue with exemplary applications and connections.
The Futureproof Home - Design for Conscious Living. Features more than 40 innovative contemporary residential projects, ranging from single-family houses, communal residences, apartments, nomadic homes, and more
Smooth City - Against Urban Perfection, Towards Collective Alternatives. How urban paradigms of efficiency, sanitization and surveillance transform city life into seamless "experience" and erode the non-normativeSmooth City - Against Urban Perfection, Towards Collective Alternatives
Forgotten Architecture - An Archive of Forgotten Architecture