Arkitektur og teori  780 varer

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DKK 298

Ingen adgang -  Social eksklusion i byens rum. Bogen belyser og giver indsigt i den moderne bys udstødende faktorer og mekanismer, beskriver konkrete typologier, forklaringer og oplevelser med ekskluderende design, behandler professionsetiske overvejelser omkring ekskluderende design og redegør for juridiske sove- og tiggeriforbud.

DKK 199

Bevaringsværdig byggebranche - et manifest. Et manifest for en nødvendig, ny byggekultur i Danmark, der harmonerer med planetens grænser. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro

DKK 248

Architecture Connecting: Living Structures presents three design studios with a diverse use of biology and biochemistry as a basis for their practices: ecoLogicStudio, Atelier LUMA and Jenny Sabin Studio. Exhibition catalogue Lousiana Museum of Modern Art. Richly illustrated.

DKK 239 DKK 299 -20%

Særtilbud! Danske lamper - 1920 til nu er den første samlede fortælling om dansk lampedesign. Bogen er gennem­ illustreret med historiske fotos og nye optagelser.

DKK 279 DKK 349 -20%

Særtilbud! Omfavnet af mørke - Cisternerne - fra vandreservoir til kunsthal


Unboxing Carbon - The Catalogue - Exterior Materials. The open-source catalogs are a collection of architectural materials presenting complex data from Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in a visually accessible way, and in a unit that is readily understandable for architects: by square meter. 

DKK 349

Sustainable and Regenerative Materials for Architecture - A Sourcebook. This handbook of low- and no-carbon materials for architects and designers focuses on sustainable materials, their sourcing, technical properties and the processes required for their use in architecture. 

DKK 720

Sorted by Type - Circular Construction Methods. The handbook for circular design principles. Overview of reversible joining techniques and recyclable building materials. Comprehensive detailed catalogue with exemplary applications and connections.

DKK 399

The Futureproof Home - Design for Conscious Living. Features more than 40 innovative contemporary residential projects, ranging from single-family houses, communal residences, apartments, nomadic homes, and more

DKK 220

Smooth City - Against Urban Perfection, Towards Collective Alternatives. How urban paradigms of efficiency, sanitization and surveillance transform city life into seamless "experience" and erode the non-normativeSmooth City - Against Urban Perfection, Towards Collective Alternatives

DKK 329

Forgotten Architecture - An Archive of Forgotten Architecture

Viser 769 - 780 af 780