Unboxing Carbon - The Catalogue - Exterior Materials - FREE EPUB


Unboxing Carbon - The Catalogue - Exterior Materials. The open-source catalogs are a collection of architectural materials presenting complex data from Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in a visually accessible way, and in a unit that is readily understandable for architects: by square meter. 

Unboxing Carbon - The Catalogue - Exterior Materials

The open-source catalogs are a collection of architectural materials presenting complex data from Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in a visually accessible way, and in a unit that is readily understandable for architects: by square meter. The Catalogs are intended to give architects the means of assessing global warming potential (GWP) in the product production phases, thus aligning projects currently on the drawing boards with the recommendations of the latest IPCC report.

The Catalogs are organized by building component categories and presents the material with the lowest CO2e impacts on the left of the page. The data is derived from currently valid product-specific or branch organization EPDs available in Northern European EPD databases such as EPD Danmark, EPD Norge, IBU, and International EPD. Each catalog entry lists the source of data (a hyperlinked EPD number), the thickness of the material, and the total GWP in A1 to A3 phases, per square meter.

The latest catalogs on both exterior and interior materials are available for free download.

ForlagHenning Larsen Architects
Side tal36 pages
ProducentHenning Larsen Architects