Arkitektur og teori  780 varer

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DKK 525

Old Buildings - New Ideas: A Selective Architectural History of Additions, Adaptations, Reuse and Design Invention. Generously illustrated with architectural plans and over 300 colour images

DKK 550

50 Buildings and 60 Small Houses - special offer

DKK 360

The Icelandic Concrete Saga  - Architecture and Construction (1847-1958)

DKK 430

Transform - Promising Places, Second Chances, and the Architecture of Transformational Change. The architecture of adaptation offers a new approach to old places that is at once sensitive and bold, at once conscious of histories and legacies, yet optimistically forward-looking to new possibilities. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min...

DKK 220

Projekteringsmetodik - fra idéoplæg til bygningsdrift. Bogen gennemgår systematisk de faser, der bruges i forbindelse med løsning af en byggesag.

DKK 99

Byggeriets faser og organisering. En kort og let tilgængelig introduktion til de mest almindelige faser og organisationsformer indenfor dansk byggeri.

DKK 625

Window Wall - Pezo von Ellrichshausen. About the intersection between painting and architecture. Containing over one thousand handmade works -including paintings, sketches and line drawings- this edition is a comprehensive, alphabetical catalogue of Pezo von Ellrichshausen’s twenty-two years of art and architecture practice.

DKK 399

Making the Plus. Making The Plus not only takes you through the construction process of the “world’s most sustainable furniture factory,” documented by renowned photographer Einar Aslaksen. It also broadens our view on how architecture, industry, nature, and the public space have to be completely intertwined moving toward a sustainable future.

DKK 380

Udkommer i oktober - Forudbestil nu! Transforming Mathildehöhe: A World Heritage Site. History and renovation of the unique Art Nouveau monument. Best practice example of a sensitive restoration consistent with conservation requirements 

DKK 290

The Drafty House - the beginnings of a Fourth Typology. Hvordan ser en arkitektonisk grundtype ud i dag? Hvad betyder det for arkitekturen, hvis vi forstår den i et tidsperspektiv, der går langt ud over det umiddelbare program? Det er blot to af de spørgsmål man bliver nødt til at besvare, hvis arkitekturen skal møde tidens mange udfordringer.

DKK 230

39 Garden Plans - Unusual Gardens for an Ordinary House by renowned Danish garden and landscape architect C.Th. Sørensen presents a series of exceptional examples of garden architecture. A catalogue of the (spatial) possibilities of garden art

DKK 429

Traffic Space is Public Spac - A Handbook for Transformation. Creative strategies for conflicts between the growing demand for public space and increasingly dense traffic in urban areas

Viser 709 - 720 af 780