Climax Change! represents the much-needed overview of how climate change and the current environmental emergency will affect the practice of architecture, both in terms of its design philosophy and rising opportunities to innovate and radically transform the current tenet of architecture’s aesthetic, ethical and professional drives.
Making Healthy Places, Second Edition: Designing and Building for Well-Being, Equity, and Sustainability. This edition expands the treatment of some topics that received less attention a decade ago, such as the relationship of the built environment to equity and health disparities, climate change, resilience, new technology developments, and the evolving...
Sonnesgade 11, SLETH - Ny dansk arkitektur. bd. 9 Nu kommer de næste to bind i den populære bogserie om ny dansk arkitektur. Gennem 10 bind vil serien give et vitalt signalement af den nyeste danske bygningskunst. Hvert bind udfolder et enkelt bygningsværk og portrætterer tegnestuen bag.
Tipperne, Johansen Skovsted - Ny dansk arkitektur Bd. 10. Nu kommer de næste to bind i den populære bogserie om ny dansk arkitektur. Gennem 10 bind vil serien give et vitalt signalement af den nyeste danske bygningskunst. Hvert bind udfolder et enkelt bygningsværk og portrætterer tegnestuen bag.
Urban Planning in the Nordic World by Ellen Braae, architect MAA. About the the origins, development, challenges, and lived realities of the changing welfare city in the Nordic countries. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Fremtidens urbane sundhedskultur. Indeholder cases og værktøjer til at arbejde med lighed i sundhed og livskvalitet, sociale nabolag, grønne områder og det som kaldes ’Active Living’. Henvender sig til alle, der arbejder med byudvikling, både offentlige og private bygherrer, udviklere og rådgivere.
Manual of Biogenic House Sections. Recognizing that buildings are a major contributor to global warming and the critical role of embodied versus operational carbon, the book focuses on houses built from materials that either sequester carbon (plants), use materials with very low embodied carbon (earth and stone) or reuse substantial amounts of existing...
Roofscape Design - Regenerating the City upon the City
Kay Fisker - Works and Ideas in Danish Modern Architecture - soft cover edition.
UDSOLGT FRA FORLAGET! Designing Sustainable Cities - Manageable Approaches to Make Urban Spaces Better