Circular Construction for Urban Development - A System. Introduction with Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
El Croquis 225: Macías Peredo (2014–2024). This issue presents their work from 2014 to 2024, including the Punta Caliza Hotel, Izamal Water Garden, and tropical residential complexes.
Shigeru Ban. Complete Works 1985–Today XXL. From Paper Tube Emergency Shelters and his Nomadic Museum built with containers to the Swatch/Omega Campus and the Centre Pompidou-Metz, discover the altruistic practice of the Pritzker Prize–winning architect Shigeru Ban, who is lauded for his “curiosity, commitment, endless innovation, infallible eye, and...
Landskabskunst i Danmark. Denne bog sætter fokus på kunstneriske og kulturhistoriske værker i det danske landskab. Indeholder 30 fine eksempler på landskabskunst fra hele landet. Rigt illustreret med fotos af Carsten Ingemann.
Living Places - Principles and Insights for a New Way of Thinking Buildings. This book shares the methodology and insights to inspire a transformative shift towards healthier, more sustainable homes.
De Jordiske Byer. This book is essential for anyone interested in the future of urban living and our role within the Earth’s ecological framework.
Garden and Metaphor - Essays On The Essence Of The Garden
De forhåndenværende søm - Når nye tegnestuer bevarer og transformerer bygninger og bymiljøer
The Consciousness of Place. This publication is a manifesto of a form of architecture that harmonizes with the respective location, reflecting the identity of its culture and people. In recent years, Chowdhury's constructed works have attracted international attention and have been awarded prizes such as the 2022 RIBA International Prize and the 2016 Aga...
Brutalist Plants. Capturing the best of eco-brutalism. A story of resilience – and unexpected beauty. The book includes images from 41 countries, showing the global spread of Brutalism and features 150 photos of buildings, artworks and sculptures
Motarasu CHO Table Lamp - Designed by Ernst / Bartholin Jensen. Levering ultimo September!