Træfald - Rune Bosse. Katalog til udstillingen "Træfald" på HEART Museum, 10.09.2022 - 06.08.2023.
Shigeru Ban - Timber in Architecture. A comprehensive survey of more than 50 buildings showcasing novel applications for this most ancient of building materials. Museum projects, corporate headquarters, and temporary shelters for both natural and man-made disasters display the state of the art in wood construction, especially the emerging technology of...
Juletilbud! Ny Dansk Arkitektur - 10 bygninger, 10 tegnestuer, 10 temaer
SUEP. 10 Stories of Architecture on Earth. Design activities based on the theme of "symbiosis with nature". How can we create architecture that brings happiness not only to people, or to the earth, but to both.
Project Japan - Architect Rem Koolhaas and curator Hans Ulrich Obrist compile a history of Metabolism: the first non-Western avant-garde architecture, born out of postwar Tokyo. Extensive interviews and rare photographs introduce the movement and shed light on the group’s futuristic vision for the future; a dream of cities that would grow, reproduce, and...
Re-Use in Construction - A Compendium of Circular Architecture. This book is a unique compendium of circular architecture. Richly illustrated, it explores comprehensively through essays and illuminating conversations between experts all the questions and challenges that architects and engineers face with circular architecture designs.
Urban Grids: Handbook for Regular City Design. Emphasizes the value of the regular city as an open form for city design, and specifically insists that the grid has the unique capacity to absorb and channel urban transformation flexibly and productively.
Safe as Houses - The More-than-Human Home. This book examines the notion of the home in the context of the pandemic and lockdown, as they relate to environmental concerns and how we live with viruses and bacteria.
Lauritz de Thurah - Architecture and Worldviews in 18th Century Denmark.
New Danish Architecture - 10 Buildings, 10 Architects, 10 Themes
Ufortalte historier - om kvinder, køn og arkitektur i Danmark
Evighed i forgængeligheden. Japansk havekunst og arkitekturhistorie