Materiale  46 varer

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DKK 780

Materials Encyclopedia for Creatives. The book is an encyclopaedic compendium of around 1,000 terms in this field, from aerogel to marble to zirconium. It features traditional and frequently used materials, as well as new and unexpected ones.PÅ VEJ TIL LAGER

DKK 475

Old is New - Architectural Works by New Material Research Laboratory. Richly illustrated, the book shows the choice of materials for each project. Additional text contributions delve into the origin of the laboratory’s design ethos rooted in Japanese tradition and aesthetics and their historical context. 

DKK 260

Concrete - Conservation Challenges. Docomomo dossier 10

DKK 349

Touch Wood - Material, Architecture, Future. Wood is the building material of the 21st century. Understanding the renewable raw material and its potential requires recognizing it in its ecological, technological and cultural-historical contexts. These are explored in the publication and presented with inspiring examples – practical and visionary. 

DKK 350

Wood in Contemporary Architecture offers a unique overview of wood as a construction material for residential buildings worldwide, and also introduces architects, interior designers, and builders to the diverse characteristics of contemporary timber architecture.

DKK 399

Københavns Murerlaug 1623-2023. Sætter fokus på forskellige aspekter af murværk og murerfaget dengang, idag og i fremtiden. Om hvordan der ligger tunge kulturbærende traditioner i murerhåndværket, som giver det en bestående karakter, hvor mursten, teglprodukter og murværkskonstruktioner kan tage nye former i bæredygtighedens navn.

DKK 430

Building with Wood - The New Timber Architecture. Learn how cutting-edge innovations using one of civilization’s oldest construction materials are reshaping the built environment in sustainable and beautiful ways.  

DKK 549

Brick Buildings S, M, L . Showcases 30 buildings of various sizes with inspiring photos and in-depth construction details. From small residential buildings, museums and schools to university buildings, cultural centres and even residential towers. Richly illustrated.

DKK 299

Innovation of Nothing - The capabilities needed to lead sustainable change in the built environment. This book investigates the capabilities and roles needed among stakeholders in the built environment to lead these solutions from idea to market – and thereby to lead them from potential to actual change in the built environment. Kan også købes i...

DKK 300

Reset Materials - Towards Sustainable Architecture. Catalogue of the Project and Exhibition at Copenhagen Contemporary 2023.

DKK 125

Kvaliteter i almene bebyggelser fra 1940érne og 1950'erne. Om de murede almene bebyggelser fra 1940-1959. Med bogen får man desuden 5 faktablade om hhv. Tage, Facader, Vinduer og Døre, Altaner og Omgivelser. Faktabladene går mere i dybden med de spøgsmål, der kan opstå ved en renovering. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34


Unboxing Carbon - The Catalog - Exterior - Henning Larsen. GRATIS EPUB. This graphic collection of architectural materials presents complex data from Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in a visually accessible way, and in a unit that is readily understandable for architects: by square meter.

Viser 13 - 24 af 46