Densification of Urban Landscapes - Post-War Housing Developments Between Preservation and Renewal. The publication shows procedures for a mindful definition of individual conservation goals that can serve as guidelines in the course of planning densification.
Reclaimed - New Homes from Old Materials. An inspiring collection of homes made from salvaged and repurposed materials showcasing design ingenuity and award-winning architecture from across the globe
Reset Materials - Towards Sustainable Architecture. Catalogue of the Project and Exhibition at Copenhagen Contemporary 2023.
Build Beyond Zero - New Ideas for Carbon-smart Architecture. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport St.
UDSOLGT FRA FORLAGET - AFVENTER GENOPTRYK Constructing Architecture: Materials, Processes, Structures. A Handbook. The English 5th Edition of the Handbook.
Window Wall - Pezo von Ellrichshausen. About the intersection between painting and architecture. Containing over one thousand handmade works -including paintings, sketches and line drawings- this edition is a comprehensive, alphabetical catalogue of Pezo von Ellrichshausen’s twenty-two years of art and architecture practice.
The Drafty House - the beginnings of a Fourth Typology. Hvordan ser en arkitektonisk grundtype ud i dag? Hvad betyder det for arkitekturen, hvis vi forstår den i et tidsperspektiv, der går langt ud over det umiddelbare program? Det er blot to af de spørgsmål man bliver nødt til at besvare, hvis arkitekturen skal møde tidens mange udfordringer.
Metric Handbook - Planning and Design Data, 7th edition. The Metric Handbook is the major handbook of planning and design data for architects and architecture students, with over 100,000 copies sold to successive generations of architects and designers. It remains the ideal starting point for any project and belongs in every design office. På vej til lager
The Architecture Reference & Specification Book updated & revised: Everything Architects Need to Know Every Day. The updated and revised edition contains vital information that's essential to planning and executing architectural projects of all shapes and sizes, all in a format that is small enough to carry anywhere..
Byong Cho: My Life as An Architect in Seoul. Acclaimed Korean architect Byong Cho has been instrumental in shaping the urban fabric of Seoul. In this intimate and loving portrait of a city, Cho shares his personal reflections on the capital's most interesting buildings, ancient and modern.
Implementing Sustainable Cities. This edited volume brings together international authors to explore how cities around the world are implementing their commitment towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).