Arkitektur og teori  754 varer

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DKK 98

FLORA Thorvaldsen's plants. The book FLORA treats the symbolic flora carved in stone by Bertel Thorvaldsen in his famous works, as well as the living flora he cultivated in his gardens. What is more, it unfolds a wonderful plant phenomenon that took place when his works were shipped from Rome to Copenhagen, wrapped in hay full of seeds. 

DKK 249

Lille arkitekturhistorie for børn og barnlige sjæle

DKK 200

Architectura 22 - Årsskrift for Selskabet for Arkitekturhistorie

DKK 200

Architectura 24 - Årsskrift for Selskabet for Arkitekturhistorie

DKK 200

Architectura 25 - Årsskrift for Selskabet for Arkitekturhistorie

DKK 200

Architectura 26 - Årsskrift for Selskabet for Arkitekturhistorie

DKK 380

Juletilbud! 60 Små huse – Dansk arkitektur 1915–2023. 60 eksempler udvalgt fra perioden 1915 til 2023. Giver en rigt illustreret oversigt over dansk arkitektur i en periode på mere end 100 år. Præsenteret med professionelle arkitekturfotografier, tegninger i målestok, faktuelle oplysninger samt korte citater fra beskrivelser gennem tiden inkl. indeks.


Unboxing Carbon - The Catalog - Exterior - Henning Larsen. GRATIS EPUB. This graphic collection of architectural materials presents complex data from Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in a visually accessible way, and in a unit that is readily understandable for architects: by square meter.

DKK 390

Style and Solitude - The History of an Architectural Problem. How modern notions of architectural style were born—and the debates they sparked in nineteenth-century Germany.

DKK 350

Gesamtkunstwerke - Architecture by Arne Jacobsen and Otto Weitling in Germany The architecture by Arne Jacobsen and Otto Weitling is of outstanding importance for post-war modernism in Germany. The calibre of their projects, however, has been forgotten. This book  contains a comprehensive presentation of seven out of eight German projects by the Danish...

DKK 275

The Art of Japanese Joinery. Presenting 48 joints, selected from among the several hundred known and used today, this visually exciting book will please anyone who has ever been moved by the sheer beauty of wood. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro

DKK 350

Kulturmiljø - Stedets fortælling mellem fortid og fremtid. Indeholder 35 repræsentative kulturmiljøer landet over som er fotograferet i 2023 af arkitekturfotograf Rasmus Hjortshøj.

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