Handbook of Urban Mobilities. This book offers the reader a comprehensive understanding and the multitude of methods utilized in the research of urban mobilities with cities and ‘the urban’ as its pivotal axis. Bestillingsvare
250 Things an Architect Should Know. From iconic architect and critic Michael Sorkin comes a joyful celebration of architecture and city-making, told through his famous list, in one beautiful, illustrated book.
Graphic Design Thinking - Beyond Brainstorming
Hemmelige steder - Arkitektens Guide til særlige bygningsværker i det midtjyske
Radical Architecture of the Future. How the work of contemporary architecture practices covers far more than the design and construction of buildings – an important and thought-provoking collection of original projects by unique thinkers in the world of architecture and spatial design, such as Diller + Scofidio, David Adjaye, and Ensamble Studio
Særpris - køb inden 20/10! Vilje, viden og værdier - J.C. Jacobsens villa på Carlsberg. Historien om livet i og omkring Carlsbergs unikke villa foldes ud. Om villaens arkitektur, haveanlæg, kunstneriske udsmykning og restaurering samt om de videnskabsmænd, der fik tildelt villaen som æresbolig, heriblandt Niels Bohr. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen,...
Teknik og arkitektur - mod en bedre byggeskik. Udgivelsen giver en grundlæggende indføring i, hvordan arkitekter kan arbejde ud fra en fornyet viden om god byggeskik, hvor bæredygtighed er en grundpræmis. Kan også købes i Arkitektforeningen, Åbenrå 34 - 2 min fra Nørreport st/metro
Built Environment Volume 47 - number 3 How Covid-19 Changes the Way We Live
Architecture Workbook: Design through Motive - Peter Cook. Including historical and Modernist examples, things observed in the street, work by current innovative architects and from Cook’s own rich archive, weaving together a rich and vibrant visual scrapbook of the everyday and the architectural, and past and present.
Architecture From Prehistory to Climate Emergency. A groundbreaking history of architecture told through the relationship between buildings and energy.
Architectural Styles - A visual guide. A hand-drawn guide to architectural styles throughout history
Come Together - The Architecture of Multigenerational Living. Featuring architecturally stunning designs from around the globe and voices of leading architects championing the benefits of this family-style living, Come Together points to the changing face of the family home.