Magazine Shelving - MS.115.1 - Oak and Black - Moebe. PÅ LAGER
Så længe lager haves! Magazine Shelving - MS.115.1 - Black and Black - Moebe.
Magazine Shelving - MS.115.1 - Oak and Deep Blue - Moebe
Magazine Shelving - MS.115.1 - Oak and Pine Green - Moebe
Vitra - Akari 24N - design Isamu Noguchi. PÅ LAGER. DAG TIL DAG LEVERING
Vitra Eames Uldplaid - Sort - Charles & Ray Eames. PÅ LAGER - DAG TIL DAG LEVERING
Motarasu CHO Floor Lamp - Designed by Ernst / Bartholin Jensen. Levering ultimo september!
Vitra - UTEN Silo 1. Mål: 87 x 67 cm. Designed by Dorothee Becker, Uten.Silo (1969/70) brings order to offices, kitchens, workshops, bathrooms and children’s rooms. PÅ LAGER! DAG TIL DAG LEVERING!
Magazine Shelving - MS.115.1 - Oak and Warm Grey - Moebe
Magazine Shelving - MS.180.1 - Oak and Warm Grey - Moebe